At the time I entered therapy, I was in commercial sales for a major telecommunications company. I had a nice salary, great bonus checks, travel, a loving husband, and warm family relationships.

Yet I was unhappy and unfulfilled. I had no idea why.

I learned and changed and learned and changed. My experience of my life got better and better despite some pretty heavy stressors coming my way over time. I was laid off. I developed cervical pre-cancer and required a very unplanned hysterectomy. I lost my father suddenly. I was re-employed with a consulting firm but it folded after 4 years, so I was jobless again. And more. Life never has a shortage of hard stuff to throw at us, does it?

Along the way, I saw a therapist off and on. Sometimes weekly for months at a time, other times just a few sessions over a couple months to work through a very specific trouble or to gain new skills I was lacking.

I found the work with my therapist so helpful that I longed to offer the same to others. I’ll be honest, though. I didn’t want to give up my salary to go back to school. Nevermind, the consulting firm folded and I was again without a job. This time, I made the choice to get the education I needed and change careers to become a psychotherapist. I selected the clinical Social Worker program at FSU.

I’ve never looked back. This is the work I am here for. I am doing what I am meant to do. I love my work.


If you would like to schedule a session or intensive with me, please fill out the form to the right and I will be in touch as soon as possible.