If you are ready to get on the road to health and healing and accelerate your progress, fill out the form below

I am accepting new clients at this time.

Leave me a message here or give me a call to let me know you would like to chat about to inquire about therapy and my availability. Please note, email is not a fully secure communication method, therefore please only share the minimum information below describing your need (do not include personal identifying information like birth date or personal medical information in any emails you send us.

Cassie Allen, MBA, MSW, LCSW

2208 Executive Park Dr.

Opelika, AL

In-Person Appts. in Opelika, Alabama

Telehealth available in AL, FL, and outside U.S.

850-630-1583 phone 855-887-3163 fax



Cassie Allen, LCSW is offering EMDR Trauma Intensive sessions of 3 hours or up to to multiple days (retreat style) in the Auburn, AL area . She is also accepting new weekly individual clients at this time.